Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A notice can change your life

Notice Board Before Covid at Manzil

Notice Board, you may have heard this word many times in school and colleges or other government places. 
Although the word’s meaning is simple but if you ask Manzil students what it means to them and how it helps them in their life, this would be slightly different from its normal meaning.

With the pandemic, the notice boards also changed their shape. From decorative, colorful, handwritten notices, we saw a shift to an Admin Only Group WhatsApp Notice where only core members could post notices with creative posters.

Now let's hear from Manzillion regarding the significance of notices in their learning journey.

Hansi Vaidh from Practice English Class says “In my childhood I was very good in all subjects but English was a very big problem or hurdle for me. I was very afraid of it. I lost some good opportunities because I couldn’t speak fluent English. I wanted to learn English but I could not get time for it, so I had to go somewhere to learn English. When I came to know about the online English class in manzil I felt very happy because now I could learn from home. I joined this class. That notice changed my life. Now, I feel more confident when I talk with somebody. That fear I have been feeling since my childhood is now decreasing slowly."

Pooja Arya from English practice class stated “I get lots of information through the Manzil's notice board. After some time, I saw on the notice board there was an English class admission, and I quickly registered myself. After that my class started in Manzil. That day I was feeling nervous, because I was thinking who my teacher would be. When I got to know Tulsi di was my teacher, I felt happy, because we knew each other already and I was familiar with her. Then she started teaching us. I found she taught us very nicely and deeply. Her nature is polite and she encourages us to speak in English. She gave us new topics for improving our English. She made us comfortable.”

Virtual Notice board in Covid

Venu Parvati, 24, student of English class shared. “Due to a notice, my life has changed, a notice got me a golden opportunity to learn English for free. Last year, my condition of covid was starting to get worse, it seemed that everything was over and studies were over. There was no one to teach and the mind that was going on was slowly becoming empty, just like that, one day my friend got a call, she started asking about my situation, then I told all my problems. Then he gave information about Manzil, then he sent a notice on the phone that in which class you want to enroll yourself. I filled up the form to learn English for my admission and I got an email saying that your form has been submitted. A few days later, Vandana Didi called me and then I got admission. On my first day of admission, I was very scared and nervous that if I did not speak English properly then everyone would laugh. And how would my first class go? I was fearful that I would not be able to communicate with people and I wouldn't even understand how to speak. Then Vipin Bhaiya, my teacher said, do not be afraid, you will correct your mistakes, then slowly the nervousness and fear in me started to end, then I started speaking slowly among many students. Now I am very happy that I got a platform named Manzil and got a chance to learn many things, make new friends and gain a lot of knowledge because of a notice”

Rupa, 18, shared “I get inspired by reading any notice of Manzil and I participate in it. One day, by reading a notice I participated. It was a career related program named Hello Zindagi. When I attended the program, my experience was very good. In the course of Hello Zindagi, I got to know about myself deeply. In this course, I got to know what I want to do in my career. I got to know my goals which I did not know before. I got to know what I need to do to achieve my goals. Because of this program I increased my self-confidence and motivation. That's how because of a notice I got so much clarity in my career."

We are hoping Manzil notices keep helping our students in their lives in their different ways.

Compiled by Tulsi Kohli (NL Editor)

1 comment:

  1. नोटिस बोर्ड का महत्व बहुधा सामान्य जानकारी के लिए माना जाता है। लेकिन कोविड के चलते छोटी से छोटी सूचना अपने आप में एक सतर्कता लाती है और यह आदत भी पड जाती है कि शायद कोई और सूचना भी मिल जाए । नौकरी के बारे में हो चाहे सर्व साधारण जानकारी हो लेकिन नोटिस बोर्ड में आवश्यक सूचना पढने की आदत सी पड जाती है।
